James Panarella lives in the Philadelphia suburbs and is the author of “The Roleplayers.”

Originally from New York City, James grew up in the Little Italy neighborhood of downtown Manhattan. From a very young age, he had a keen interest in storytelling and fantasy narratives. This translated into a passion for film, reading, and roleplaying games, all of which he still loves today.

After graduating college, James worked for several newspapers in the New York and Philadelphia area before becoming a professor teaching English and Graphic Design. His career also includes technical instruction, serving as an editor for a national publication, and work as a web designer.

In November of 2018, James decided to participate in the National Write a Novel Month Contest. After successfully completing the challenge, he decided to become a full-time author. The Roleplayers is the result of that decision.

James is currently promoting his “The Roleplayers” while working on its sequel. He loves meeting fellow fantasy enthusiasts, as well as teaching his son about the “good ‘ol days” of roleplaying games.

"The Roleplayers," is now available for purchase at www.amazon.com and www.lulu.com.

